OEBS Annual Financial Statement 2023 (only in German available)
Jahresabschluss 2023

Corporate Governance (Current report only in German available)
Bundes Public Corporate Governance Bericht 2023

General Terms of Delivery and Payment
GTD-EN September 2012

General Terms and Conditions of Purchase
General Terms and Conditions of Purchase_Stand 2012

EN ISO 9001 201007505
EN ISO 14001 201047013
ISO 45001 201116193005290
Certificates ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001

EMAS AT-000217
EMAS Registrierungsurkunde

OEBS Environmental Statement
A detailed overview of our dedication and contribution to the environment offers our annual Environmental Statement. The current statement was issued in May 2024. If you a interested in a copy, please send us an email to office@oebs.co.at.